

Your skin is exposed daily to environmental toxins, irritants, sun damage, and other factors, causing your skin to appear dull. Dermaplaning is a skin resurfacing technique that is used to remove debris packed into the top layers of your skin, improving overall appearance.

Dermaplaning can be done for any skin type and those with acne scars, dull or dry skin, sun-damaged skin, or fine lines and wrinkles.

The Dermaplane Process

Dermaplaning removes fine vellus facial hair that traps oil and bacteria and damaged skin cells, resulting in more youthful, smoother, and brighter skin accompanied by the newer skin cells.

We begin by gently cleansing and scrubbing the face to remove excess debris. A sterile dermatome is then used to remove the top layer of skin in a gentle scraping motion.

Dermaplaning FAQ

How long does this procedure take?
When will I see results and how long do results last?
Is dermaplaning painful?
What is recovery like?

Your perfect plan starts now!

The goal of the consultation is to customize a treatment plan and experience with you in mind. This includes your physiology, your goals and expectations, your budget, your health and safety, and everything in between.

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